Today, I was asked by the principal of one of our 8 high schools to sit down with a couple of her students and chat about an app that they have created. I won't pretend to know the first thing about XCode or Java in general, but I know what a good app looks like and how it could function in a practical manner. So sure, I'll sit down, chat, and give some feedback.
Had the honor of chatting with @Cdavdav & @michaelriad_ about an app they're making. Seeing high school Ss be the creators is incredible
— John Stevens (@Jstevens009) January 29, 2014
What really became evident during our meeting was how ambitious and opportunistic these two young men really were. They are creating a product for their peers and looking for feedback and approval when necessary. It's true that apps are a dime a dozen, but seeing something like this start from the foundation, and have the potential that it does, is an exciting time to be in education. As long as we can continue to facilitate opportunities like this, the future of education in America (and beyond) will be just fine.
All in all, the decision to step out of the classroom and provide support for the entire district became validated today. I hope to see that this continues to be the right decision as more students like these two gentlemen begin to show up and show off the work that they are doing.
Happy Fishing