- As a warm-up, students will do a daily Estimation
- To introduce a concept, we will use 3-Act Math tasks
- To foster discussion and reflection, students will blog
- We will close every day with a Visual Pattern
- To open up more class time, students will engage in flipped class
- Every Friday, we will incorporate 20% time
- If we have time, we will review some Math Mistakes
Yep, this sounds like a... WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?
I've followed some pretty amazing math folks from the Math Twitter Blogosphere, or MTBoS as it has so fondly been abbreviated, and every single thing that they do sound like I want to be a student in their classroom. I've gone from pure isolation to information overload. My plate is more than full of ideas to incorporate, and it's time to rethink the ideas that have been shared.
While I will always strive to have an impact on my students the way that my colleagues do, I'm accepting the reality that I will never have the wit of Fawn Nguyen. I may never be able to rock the mullet the same way Vaudrey does. It is highly unlikely that I'll be able to get my students to blog with such power and passion as David Theriault. I've even conceded that my classroom will probably never look like Barton Keeler's.
But it doesn't mean that I can't take bits and pieces from each, finding new and innovative ways to continue challenging my students and myself to be better. I appreciate all that the MTBoS and my Twitter PLN has taught me, and will continue to learn from them. I'll stop by the EduFirehose of content from time to time, read the blog posts, engage in the conversations, and continue to fine-tune my craft.
My goal is no longer to be any of those teachers. The new personal goal for 2013-14?
Be the teacher that the high school version of me would've wished he had. Challenge accepted.
Happy Fishing