I'm more interested in sites like these:
Dan Meyer
Math Mistakes
Visual Patterns
Math Thinking
All of these sites are intense resources for math instruction, and they're all on a great discount - free. They were created out of a passion for students to understand the content rather than a way to make direct financial gain. Sure, the creators of these sites will reap some fringe benefits, but they'll be from speaking fees and collaboration compensation.
With that being said, I need some help:
What is the first question that comes to mind? (a la 101qs)
Estimate how old my car is/ $ I've spent in gas/etc. (a la estimation180)
Create a 3-Act lesson (a la Dan Meyer)
Or something else completely different...
With that being said, can you share your thoughts?
There are plenty of worksheets to give and countless problems for students to solve. Based on what has been posted online in the past few years, I see no reason to continue doing things the way that we've always done them.
Happy Fishing