With the influx of content available on YouTube, TeacherTube, The Teaching Channel, Ted, and so many others, creating videos has been the go-to for teachers and students looking for a creative way to demonstrate mastery or to deliver content. Really. Honestly. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're as engaging, entertaining and awesome as this:
Think about it - I could do that. Maybe not to that extent. Get real - Super Base is impressive. I showed my students this video (along with others from WSHS) and their reactions were priceless. Right after the video ended, 7 students came up to me and asked if we could do something similar. My answer? ABSOLUTELY. I'll upload our production as soon as we finish.
However, I'm not naive to the fact that this is going to take a lot of work. Help me out here, but I'm thinking that these are (most of) the steps that it'll take to pull something even close to Super Base off:
- Lyrics... The lyrics are everything
- Choreography
- Video Cameras and/or iPads
- iMovie
- GarageBand
- A whole lot of patience
- A whole lot of confidence
- Voice Lessons
Doing something to this scale is unfathomable in most classrooms. Instead, aim for something more basic and to the point. Having students do renditions of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" or other childhood classics that are slow enough and easy to change the words to meet the standard that your students are working to master...
Imagine if you could take some of the most complex content that you need the students to remember and put it in a song. Even better would be to have the students do it. Easy? No. Possible? Very.